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About Us

Hi, I'm Claire and I founded Smart Bark following a career in retail buying and training. As a dog lover and owner I found there was a gap in the market for a quality British website dedicated to useful information about our four legged friends. After a lot of research, I finally took the plunge in 2019 and set up Smart Bark.

My co-founder is Freddie the Cockapoo and the inspiration behind Smart Bark. He's a cheeky chappie, loves all dogs, humans & squirrels. His hobbies include sleeping, lots of cuddles and exploring the wonderful world outside his garden.


Smart Bark is not just a website, it is a dog loving community supported by a number of dog lovers who (along with their pooches of course!) help to test and review many of the products we feature.


Whether it’s the latest dog products, in-depth food and supplement reviews for a healthy dog or advice for new puppy parents, we’re all about making it enjoyable and simple.


I hope you enjoy Smart Bark and find the original content, honest reviews and detailed research useful.


Please feel free to join in - simply add your comments to an article or follow us on Facebook and Instagram, I would love to hear from you.

​You may have noticed the lack of ads and other clutter. Smart Bark is supported by readers and when you buy something we recommend, we may get a small affiliate commission but this never affects your price or what we pick.

Smart Bark's founders - Claire & Freddie
Smart Bark product testing dog
Cockapoo dog

Claire & Freddie  XX

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Smart Bark is a dog product review and recommendation destination for dog lovers. Discover the best UK dog brands, healthy dog treats and food, trending dog accessories and in-depth buying guides. 


You may have noticed the lack of ads and other clutter. Smart Bark is supported by readers and when you buy something we recommend, we may get a small affiliate commission but this never affects your price or what we pick.

As an Amazon Associate we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. 


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